Call of duty mobile launching on this date : PUBG Mobile rival to feature new game modes

Call of duty mobile launching on October 1 ' PUBG Mobile rival to feature new game modes

Call of duty mobile is releasing on android and iOS on October 1. The game will feature all popular call of duty playing modes from the PC versions.

Source Google

  • Call of duty mobile launching on October 1 across the globe.
  • he game will be available on both android and iOS platforms.
  • Call of duty mobile will have many gameplay modes from the PC versions.
Source Google
Earlier this year, Tencent Games released another online shooter title called Call of Duty Mobile for Android devices. The game was released in a closed beta for selected participants and it brought all the popular Call of Duty game modes from the PC versions in the past. We tried it out during the closed beta and it came close to displacing PUBG Mobile as the ultimate mobile shooter game you can play. However, once the beta was pulled off, many have been left wondering when the stable version will hit the servers. Well now, we have an answer.

The official page for Call of Duty Mobile has announced that the stable version of the game will be live from October 1. And the game will be available for both Android and iOS platform this time. The game is developed by Tencent's Timi Studio and similar to the beta, it will be free-to-play for everyone.

For those in the unknown, the Call of Duty series is one of the most popular battle games from Activision. The mobile version aims to bring similar gameplay style to players around the globe along with all the classic Call of Duty gameplay modes and maps.

We are delivering the definitive, first-person action experience on mobile with signature Call of Duty gameplay in the palms of your hands," said Chris Plummer, VP, Mobile at Activision. We are bringing together some of the best the franchise has to offer, including Modern Warfare maps like Crash and Crossfire, Black Ops maps like Nuketown and Hijacked, and many more, into one epic title.

The battle royale mode will be similar to the Classic mode matches in PUBG MOBILE, allowing 100 players at a time to battle it out in an open map. Similar to PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty Mobile can let you play in various modes like solo, duo and quad-player competitions. The maps will include battles across land, sea and air, with players able to rely on vehicles such as an ATV, helicopter and raft. Players can even choose first or third-person modes. And in typical Call of Duty style, the players can choose between any one of the six classes.

The Call of Duty Mobile will be a change for those players who have been playing PUBG MOBILE for long. In our short time with the beta, we found that Call of Duty Mobile fared better in many ways than PUBG MOBILE, especially with regards to gameplay style, graphics and more. In fact, PUBG MOBILE lifted off the PVP mode from COD Mobile's Team Deathmatch mode.

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Which one would you like after releasing?

Must checkout PUBG mobile session 9 (warrior unite) here


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